20 Year anniversary…

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We are very fortune and proud to get to 20 years in this industry.

From our humble beginnings we have work with great customers and partners in the industry that have coach us along the way.. we thank you all.

To my Great Brothers (Francis and Luis) that have support a vision of a vertical high end manufacturing.

We will continue evolving and push the envelope to always be the best not the biggest…


Vicent V.

REMATCH Bar Las Vegas.

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Today’s project In Las Vegas at the LINQ, REMATCH Bar.

8 Metal panels, All Engineered ,Manufacturer and program by the NicoNat Team..

Panels are Synchronized to open and closed as one or domino effect..

Technology is just another tool with in our capabilities..

What can we do today for your project?

Wise Place

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NicoNat was very happy to collaborate in a good Cause with all other sponsors, WISEPlace, a nonprofit organization, is a community of housing and hope for women in crisis. WISEPlace has a 90-year history of caring for the community. By meeting basic needs such as housing, clothing, physical and emotional nourishment, as well as vocational and life skills training, the WISEPlace Hotel for Women is one of the few places unaccompanied homeless women can go to begin again.


Architectural firm..

Retail Design Collaborative.

Sponsor list, see plaque images.